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Uncle Guo’s Wild Macaque Park

  Passing Jhongjheng camp are and walking along the other side of Walking Trail No.4 about twenty minutes, everyone arrived at Uncle Guo’s Macaque with a quick breath. Suddenly we heard a pig’s sound. It was a little wild pig. Everyone was playing with it. There was a person said, “This is the first pig I have ever seen.” The teacher replied,” You are city bumpkins. You have eaten meat but why haven’t you seen a pig walking?” Then all of us kept walking forward happily and then we suddenly saw many monkeys. Some female monkeys were carrying little monkeys on the pack and some were jumping up and down happily. We kept saying how cute they were and kept running forward to see them.

  As there was still some free time, we were chatting and seeing the monkeys. Our teacher kept asking the presenter to let us have a tour guide for the main purpose of the visit and have enough to visit the park. The teacher consulted with Uncle Guo and invited him to receive our interview earlier. It was wonderful that we could interview Uncle Guo in our spare time and he also let us have more time to visit the park. After the Uncle Guo’s introduction to the macaque, we learnt more about it and took an ecological lesson of Formosan macaque.

  There were about two hundred Formosan macaques before. Originally there were many walking trails for them to habitat, but become fewer and fewer for people’s invading. Presently, there are about one hundred monkeys in Dakeng’s Jhongjheng camp area and Uncle Guo’s Macaque Park, beside Walking Trail No.4. The others are staying on the other walking trails.

Welcome to Wild Macaque Park

Look! It’s a wild pig.

Uncle Guo started introducing the macaque.

The monkey could swing.

Please help me to catch the fleas.

How greedy it was! Eating one in the mouth and catching one more with the tiptoe.

Look! I could stand on my head!

Mommy! Sorry! I won’t do it anymore!

  According to Uncle Guo’s introduction, the monkeys has stayed in his Macaque Park for more than forty years! The local fruit farmers indeed have big headaches for their stealing fruits. The monkeys become fewer after the 921 earthquake, but they are still active in the park. Uncle Guo feeds the monkeys regularly, learns the monkey’s sound to communicate them and keeps them from running away to steal the fruits. This is an interaction between a person and the monkeys and also a legendary story.

  Uncle Guo emphasizes that it is not allowed to feed the monkey here, as they would surround visitors even catching visitors ‘food after visitors’ feeding. It feels terrible. Furthermore, keep away from the monkeys and don’t point to them, or they would misunderstand you are going to occupy their places and then attack you. Remember to follow the above two directions.

It’s my first time to see the monkeys eating the oranges.

It’s so itchy! Had a scratch.

Took a careful look.Did it need to peel the orange?

Were you looking at me?You could get closer.

Look at my trick.

Yummy! Yummy! Could I have another one?

How cute the little monkeys are.

I was walking on the rope. I practiced it before.

Look at my long straight tail.

Finish your eating quickly.
Don’t look around.

    Click me to see more cute pictures of macaques.

 Let’s study together 

The Profile of Formosan macaque

Scientific name:

Macaca cyclopis

English name:

Formosan macaque

Common name:

Black face monkey, Taiwanese monkey, Black bone monkey


Mammal, Primate, Ceropithecidae


The whole Taiwan island from the sea level to the altitude under 3000 meters; the forests in the central Taiwan, Kaohsiung, Taitung, Hengchun


About thirty years

Main food:

plants or insects


The head is round. The face is flat. The forehead is naked forward. The color of the mustache is dark with the rounded furry.

Current state:

National endangered species


Let’s study Formosan macaque.

  The Formosan macaque is originated from Taiwan, the local species in Taiwan. Its body is about 47-58 centimeters long and its tail is about 26-46 centimeters long. It is strong with the light brown fur. The color of the chest is gray and the fur of the feet is dense and black. The head is round, the face is flat, the forehead is naked forward and the long cheek is like a scarf. As its appearance is different from others, it is also called black monkey, Taiwanese monkey or the long arm monkey. According to the specialists, the ancestors of the Formosan macaque came from Mainland China when Taiwan was joined with China in the glacial epoch. After several ten thousand years these monkeys turned into Taiwanese special species. Its names was named by its appearance. Macaca refers to monkey and cyclopis refers to the round face. Hence, Macaca cyclopis means the monkey with the round face. In addition,  its forehead is naked forward and the body full of dense black brown fur except the face so that it can live in the high mountains. It has a mild temperature and behaves actively. It can climb, jump and swim well.

  Formosan macaque used to stay in the forests and caves above 1000 meters around the whole Taiwan island, especially in the forests of east coast, Wulai, Taipinsahan, Nantou, Changhui, Chaiyi, Kaohsiung and Pintong. The Formosan macaque appears the most in Shou Shan Zoo of Kaohsiung, so western people call it Apes Hill, Yuanhoushan in Chinese pronunciation. During the period of Japanese occupation, it was used for the medical research. Wild macaques hence was decreasing a lot after that. Presently, since the hunters’ killing of these monkeys for sale, the deforestation in the forest and the exploitation of the roads, Formosan macaque has been seriously destroyed and become extinct.

  Except Dakeng, they also appear in Taroko National Park for the landform of gorges and cliffs and the difficulty of people’s destruction. We should protect them positively,  stop killing them and establish a protected area so that they can still live in this beautiful “ Formosa.”

  The Formosan macaque is a social animal. Ten or fifty is a group but twenty in the average. Its society is organized and has a clear division. There are three levels—the kind, the female monkey and the little monkey hierarchically. It’s easy to tell the king of the monkey—the monkey with the straight tail and a little roll at the end. There are total three kings of the monkeys, Number 1, 2 and 3, respectively. If King No.1 is dead, then King No.2 will succeed to it to avoid “ a group without a leader.” The female monkey after six starts to bear a baby. The little male monkey will be expelled to the other place for being the king. If there is a male monkey wants to fight with the king of the monkey, it would stand up its tail to challenge it. After that, these two monkeys start competing. The winner one will be the king and the loser should go away.

Data organized by Yi-Chieh, Haung

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